Are you ready to climb the ranked ladder in League of Legends and reach new heights? Look no further! In this article, we will unveil the top 10 champion picks that will give you the edge you need to dominate the competition and secure those sweet victories.
League of Legends is a game of strategy and skill, and choosing the right champion can make all the difference in your climb. Whether you prefer to dominate the top lane, assassinate enemies in the mid lane, or carry your team as an ADC, we have got you covered.
Our list includes a diverse range of champions, each with its own unique playstyle and strengths. From powerful top laners like Darius, who excels at sustain and damage, to versatile mages like Ahri and LeBlanc, who can burst down squishy targets in an instant, there is a champion for every play style.
If you prefer the ADC role, we have included hyper carriers like Jinx, who can deal massive amounts of damage in team fights, and versatile picks like Kai’Sa and Ezreal, who can adapt to different playstyles. And for those who enjoy the thrill of playing assassins, champions like Katarina, Fizz, and Zed are sure to satisfy your need for explosive plays.
So, what are you waiting for? Take a look at our top 10 champion picks and start your climb up the ranked ladder in League of Legends. With these champions by your side, victory is within your grasp!
Darius is a formidable champion in the top lane, known for his incredible sustain and damage. With his strong laning phase and ability to dominate trades, he is an excellent choice for climbing the ranked ladder in League of Legends.
One of Darius’ key strengths is his sustain. His passive ability, Hemorrhage, allows him to apply stacks of bleeding to his opponents with each basic attack. When he reaches five stacks, he can activate his ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, which deals massive true damage and instantly kills his target if they are below a certain health threshold. This ability not only allows him to win trades but also makes him a formidable threat in team fights.
In addition to his sustain, Darius also boasts significant damage. His Q ability, Decimate, is an area-of-effect attack that deals damage to all enemies hit and heals Darius based on the number of champions hit. This ability not only allows him to deal damage but also provides him with additional sustain, making him incredibly difficult to push out of the lane.
Furthermore, Darius’ W ability, Crippling Strike, empowers his next basic attack, dealing bonus damage and slowing his target. This ability allows him to stick to his opponents and ensures that they cannot escape his devastating attacks. Paired with his E ability, Apprehend, which pulls enemies towards him, Darius can easily engage and lock down his opponents, making him a formidable threat in team fights and skirmishes.
Overall, Darius is a powerful top lane champion with excellent sustain and damage. His ability to dominate trades, deal massive damage, and sustain himself in fights make him a strong pick for climbing the ranked ladder in League of Legends. Whether you’re looking to dominate your lane or carry your team to victory, Darius is a champion that should not be underestimated.
Katarina is an assassin mid laner who possesses incredible snowballing and game-carrying abilities, making her an outstanding choice for climbing the ranked ladder in League of Legends.
With her high burst damage and mobility, Katarina can swiftly eliminate squishy targets and turn team fights in her favor. Her passive ability, Voracity, allows her to reset her cooldowns upon securing a kill or assist, enabling her to continuously unleash devastating combos.
Katarina’s playstyle revolves around timing and positioning, requiring players to carefully plan their engagements and capitalize on enemy mistakes. With her exceptional ability to dominate the mid lane, Katarina is undoubtedly a top pick for those seeking to climb the ranked ladder.
LeBlanc is an incredibly powerful champion in League of Legends, known for her high burst damage and assassination potential. As a mage, she excels at quickly eliminating squishy targets, making her a deadly pick for climbing the ranked ladder.
With her kit, LeBlanc can deceive her enemies with her passive ability, allowing her to create clones and confuse opponents. This makes her a highly versatile champion, capable of outplaying her opponents and securing kills.
Her ability to quickly burst down enemies makes her a valuable asset in team fights and skirmishes. Whether you’re looking to dominate the mid lane or roam and impact other lanes, LeBlanc is a fantastic choice for climbing the ranked ladder.
Ahri is a versatile mage in League of Legends who possesses both strong mobility and burst damage, making her a solid choice for climbing the ranked ladder. Her kit allows her to quickly navigate the battlefield, making her difficult to catch and allowing her to position herself for devastating attacks.
With her ultimate ability, Spirit Rush, Ahri can dash in and out of fights, making her a slippery target for enemies. Additionally, her abilities, such as Orb of Deception and Charm, provide her with high burst damage potential, allowing her to quickly eliminate squishy targets.
Overall, Ahri’s versatility and damage output makes her a reliable pick for players looking to climb the ranked ladder in League of Legends.
Fizz is an incredibly agile and elusive assassin in League of Legends. With his ability to dive into the backline and eliminate priority targets, he is a force to be reckoned with. Fizz’s kit allows him to quickly close the gap on his enemies, making it difficult for them to escape his clutches.
His ultimate ability, Chum the Waters, is a game-changer, as it can disrupt the enemy team and set up kills for his teammates. Fizz’s burst damage is unparalleled, and his ability to snowball and carry games makes him a great pick for climbing the ranked ladder.
Zed is a high skill cap assassin in League of Legends who is known for his exceptional split-pushing and dueling abilities. With his shadow manipulation and swift movements, Zed can outplay his opponents and secure kills with ease.
One of Zed’s key strengths is his ability to split push, which involves pushing a lane and drawing enemy attention away from objectives. Zed’s mobility allows him to quickly move around the map and apply pressure in multiple lanes, forcing the enemy team to respond and potentially creating opportunities for his team to secure objectives elsewhere.
Added to split pushing, Zed is also a formidable duelist. His kit allows him to outplay opponents through his shadow-swapping mechanics and burst damage. With proper timing and execution, Zed can quickly eliminate priority targets, making him a popular choice for players looking to climb the ranked ladder.
However, mastering Zed can be challenging due to his high skill cap. Players need to have a good understanding of their abilities, positioning, and timing to maximize their potential. It requires practice and experience to effectively utilize Zed’s kit and make impactful plays in games.
In conclusion, Zed is a high skill cap assassin who excels at split pushing and dueling, making him a popular choice for climbing the ranked ladder in League of Legends. His ability to outplay opponents and secure kills can greatly impact the outcome of games. However, mastering Zed requires practice and experience to fully utilize his kit and maximize his potential.
Jinx is a hyper carry ADC who can deal massive amounts of damage in team fights, making her an ideal pick for climbing the ranked ladder.
Jinx, the hyper carry ADC, is a force to be reckoned with on the Summoner’s Rift. With her ability to deal massive amounts of damage in team fights, she can single-handedly turn the tides of battle in her team’s favor. Armed with her minigun, Jinx can unleash a flurry of bullets, shredding through enemy champions with ease.
Her rockets, on the other hand, allow her to hit multiple targets at once, making her a threat in crowded team fights. When Jinx activates her ultimate, Super Mega Death Rocket, she can snipe low-health enemies from across the map, securing kills and swinging the game in her team’s favor.
One of Jinx’s greatest strengths is her passive ability, Get Excited! Whenever she scores a takedown or assists in a kill, she gains a burst of movement speed, allowing her to chase down enemies or reposition herself in fights. This makes her a formidable threat in both offensive and defensive situations.
Also, Jinx’s Q ability, Switcheroo!, allows her to switch between her minigun and rocket launcher, giving her versatility in different situations. Her W ability, Zap!, is a long-range skillshot that slows and damages enemies, making it a useful tool for catching opponents or escaping dangerous situations.
When it comes to itemization, Jinx benefits greatly from attack damage and attack speed items. Building items like Infinity Edge, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Bloodthirster can greatly enhance her damage output and sustain in team fights. Additionally, Jinx synergizes well with supports who can provide her with crowd control or peel, such as Thresh or Lulu. With the right team composition and proper positioning, Jinx can carry games and lead her team to victory.
Finally, Jinx’s ability to deal massive amounts of damage in team fights makes her an ideal pick for climbing the ranked ladder in League of Legends. With her hyper carry potential and game-changing ultimate, she can dominate the bot lane and carry her team to victory. So, if you’re looking to climb the ranked ladder and secure those sweet LP gains, Jinx is definitely a champion worth mastering.
Kai’Sa is a highly versatile ADC in League of Legends who excels at adapting to different playstyles, making her an excellent choice for climbing the ranked ladder. With her unique abilities and playstyle, Kai’Sa can easily fit into various team compositions and strategies, allowing her to thrive in different situations.
One of Kai’Sa’s key strengths is her adaptability in terms of itemization. Her passive ability, “Second Skin,” allows her to evolve her abilities based on the items she builds. This flexibility enables players to tailor their playstyle and adapt to the needs of their team. Whether you prefer a burst-oriented build or a sustained damage build, Kai’Sa can accommodate your playstyle and contribute effectively to your team’s success.
Also, Kai’Sa’s kit offers a combination of mobility, damage, and utility. Her ultimate ability, “Killer Instinct,” allows her to dash into the heart of team fights, positioning herself to eliminate priority targets or escape dangerous situations. This mobility, coupled with her high damage output, makes her a formidable force on the battlefield.
In addition to her adaptability and mobility, Kai’Sa also benefits from her passive ability, “Living Weapon.” This ability empowers her basic attacks and abilities as she collects “Plasma” stacks from damaging enemies. The more stacks she accumulates, the stronger she becomes, amplifying her damage potential and making her a threat to anyone who stands in her way.
Kai’Sa’s versatility, adaptability, and strong scaling potential make her a top pick for climbing the ranked ladder in League of Legends. Whether you prefer to play aggressively or defensively, Kai’Sa can accommodate your playstyle and contribute significantly to your team’s success. So, if you’re looking for an ADC who can adapt to different playstyles and carry games, Kai’Sa is the champion for you.
Ezreal is a highly versatile and reliable ADC choice for players looking to climb the ranked ladder in League of Legends. With his safe and mobile playstyle, Ezreal excels at poking enemies from a distance and quickly bursting down targets with his high damage output. His Mystic Shot ability allows him to constantly harass opponents and apply pressure in the laning phase, while his Arcane Shift ability provides him with an escape mechanism, making him difficult to catch and kill.
Again, Ezreal’s burst damage potential is amplified by his ultimate ability, Trueshot Barrage, which can deal significant damage to multiple enemies across the map. This makes him a valuable asset in team fights and objective control. Furthermore, Ezreal’s ability to build different items based on the game’s needs allows him to adapt to various situations and playstyles, further enhancing his reliability as a pick for climbing the ranked ladder.
In summary, Ezreal’s safety, mobility, strong poke, and burst damage make him a reliable choice for players aiming to climb the ranked ladder in League of Legends. Whether you prefer to play aggressively or defensively, Ezreal’s versatile playstyle and adaptability make him a valuable asset to any team.